Evanston Moms for Moms:
mission statement
Evanston’s Moms for Moms is a small, non-profit organization that matches experienced Evanston moms and newer moms to create partnerships that support these new mothers and their little ones.
Our organization’s aim is to provide emotional support, advice, and developmentally and culturally appropriate materials (and experiences) for mothers and their children from birth to kindergarten. The goal is to prepare more kindergarten-ready students from our diverse Evanston population. Our mission is to help close the achievement gap that exists between lower income children of color and their white peers, working toward a more equitable Evanston.

Evanston Moms for Moms:
The model is that each new mom would be matched with a mentor mom. The pair would make a mutually agreeable plan or schedule that includes meeting at least once a month for an hour either in person or virtually. During this time the new mom would receive some developmentally appropriate reading materials, a book or toy for the child, and if needed, diapers and formula. The two moms would use this time to talk about motherhood demands, issues, and problem solve together.
The agreement would also be that the mentor mom is available by phone for advice or to be a sounding board in between visits and that she’d check in regularly with the new mom. Our organization would provide links to all the multitude of resources offered in our community for families. We believe this partnership would help support the overall goal of having our Evanston youth kindergarten-ready for learning, and help remove some of the inequities that many of our families suffer.

As a longtime teacher in District 65, I poured my heart and soul into every child to the best of my ability. I tutored at-risk kids during the summer, taught extended day reading and math classes, ran book clubs and math clubs. Many colleagues did the same. Yet, our district kept seeing achievement gaps between our white students and some of our students of color. It is clear that socioeconomic factors were playing a part in the different educational outcomes of my students.
I watched superintendents come and go, each stating that under their watch the achievement gap was going to be addressed and hopefully resolved. I saw firsthand that the children who came to school kindergarten ready, from ANY background, usually stayed on track and on grade level throughout their elementary school experience. I also saw that the children who started kindergarten not prepared, for whatever reasons (mostly socioeconomic), usually did not catch up. Strides were made, kids learned to read, but the gap remained and sometimes widened.
I started Evanston Moms for Moms to help work to close some of the achievement gaps. As an organization, we will provide culturally appropriate books and educational toys from birth to kindergarten, match moms together with other Evanston moms as an extra support, and encourage literacy and school readiness. More ideas have sprung from here.
So that’s our origin story. We can’t eliminate all the social ills that cause the achievement gap to persist. But even if I CAN help some of the children in my community, then that is a big start. We hope you will contribute and support our efforts to make a difference.
Evanston Moms for Moms Mentor Resources:
Welcome to Evanston Moms for Moms! Here are some important websites for you to search carefully through to see some of the amazing things our community already has to offer.
Childcare Network of Evanston
Specifically click on the Strong Start To Kindergarten Activity Guide. This guide is full of so many helpful bits of info and
suggestions for our mentors and our moms!
Evanston Care Network
There are so many resources in this network. You can find support for many needs low income families face. In particular look at Goods, and click Baby Supplies. You’ll find the Family Closet run by Family Focus. Also Family Basics in Lincolnwood which has all kinds of free items. This site is to be used for needs that exist or arise.
Moms for Moms private Facebook page
On this Facebook page, moms can post baby items they need, AND baby items they are offering to another mom. It is also a place for moms to ask questions to other moms with similar aged children, and make connections.
Evanston Public Library
So many wonderful offerings for families. It’s also a great place to hang with babies and young children just when you need to get out of the house.
The Bump
On this site a mom can track her pregnancy. For us the most helpful part is the sections titled First Year, and Toddler. Everything is covered from milestones, sleep solutions, communicating with babies, hot topics.
What To Expect
Empowering, positive, personalized and relevant, What to Expect offers must-have information, support and community for every step of the parenting journey, from preconception and pregnancy to the baby years and beyond. The What to Expect brand mission drives everything we do, and it's as simple as it is powerful: “Support happy, healthy pregnancies and happy, healthy babies."

The success of Evanston Moms for Moms is only made possible by the support of our community and people who believe in our mission. With your contributions, no matter how great or small, we are truly able to make a difference in the academic readiness and success of Evanston children.
$25 provides books and toys for a month
OR goes toward baby classes or experiences -
$50 sponsors a mom and baby for a month
$600 sponsors a mom and baby for a year
Donations may also be made by checks payable to
Evanston Moms for Moms.
Mail to:
Evanston Moms for Moms
3030 Normandy Place
Evanston, IL 60201
To pay by credit card, click the Paypal icon, and there will be a credit card option below.
We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our tax ID number is 86-3797329. All of your contributions
are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.